As a result of the in-depth experience of educational interventions both within and outside the school system, Kishore Bharati’s representative (Dr, Anil Sadgopal) was nominated by the respective Prime Ministers of India to be a member of two major policy-making bodies viz. National Commission on Teachers (1983-84) and later the National Policy on Education Review Committee (1990). In both of these instances, the KB Group, along with several others, intervened and turned these formal bodies into major opportunities for engaging the public (particularly the students and teachers) in policy analysis and debate. These early initiatives in building a policy discourse lay the ground for evolving a methodology for policy analysis in the 1990s and deciphering the nature of the neoliberal assault on our education system. All this has contributed to the present engagement of the KB Group in seeking alternative legislation for the Right to Education rooted in the framework of a Common School System Based on Neighbourhood Schools.